The Ass, the Cock, and the Lion

An ass and a cock lived together in a farmyard. One day a hungry lion passed by and saw the ass in such good condition that he decided to make a meal out of him. Now, they say that nothing irritates a lion so much as the crowing of a cock, and at that moment the cock happened to crow. So, the lion ran away as fast as he could. Greatly amused to think that a lion would be frightened by a mere bird, the ass picked up courage, galloped after him, and felt proud that he was driving the lion out of the farmyard. He had not gone very far, however, when the lion turned around sharply and made a meal out of him within seconds.

Old Learning: Presumption begins in ignorance and ends in ruin.

New Take

Everyone has some strength – Even a rooster can make lion run away. One who finds out his strength, succeeds.

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